On 02/12/2016 09:44 AM, Bakhvalov, Denis (Nokia - PL/Wroclaw) wrote:
> Hi Marek,

Hi Denis,

> I tried mainline U-boot with your patches as well as socfpga branch.
> Still no success.

Did you try the image I sent you ? That one is tested to work on AV SoCDK.

> There is no output on the console.
> Once again when I'm uploading old version of U-boot and preloader (from 2013) 
> at least I can see the output on the console.
> What could be the next step?

Press the "WARM RESET" button of the HPS (located top-right, if you have
the board oriented with HPS ethernet on the top-left). Do you
see any console output then ? You do use the top-right miniUSB port
for console, right ?

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