On Sunday 06 December 2009 02:09:34 Peter Tyser wrote:
>       ${MAKE} ${JOBS} all 2>&1 >${LOG_DIR}/$target.MAKELOG \
>                               | tee ${LOG_DIR}/$target.ERR

you could rewrite this to keep POSIX compliance:
        # need to maintain exit value ourselves as pipes eat it
        rm -f ${fail}
        (${MAKE} ${JOBS} all 2>&1 >${LOG_DIR}/$target.MAKELOG \
                || touch ${fail}) | tee ${LOG_DIR}/$target.ERR
        [ -e ${fail} ] && : $(( RC += 1 ))
        rm -f ${fail}

> +     # Keep a running total of all 'make' return values
> +     RC=$((RC + ${PIPESTATUS[0]}))

this might be more natural:
        : $(( RC += ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ))

> +     # Return how many board compiles failed, assuming 'make' returns 2
> +     # for builds which failed
> +     exit $(((RC + 1) / 2))

the problem here is that exit statuses have a range of 256 values.  so as soon 
as more than 255 boards fail, this wont work.  maybe i'm being overly paranoid 
though ?
$ (exit 256); echo $?

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