> > Is there a way to fix this ? It could be putting some "sleep" somewhere...
> Please upgrade to a recent version.

Thank you for suggesting ...

> > * Also, upgrading U-Boot is not an option... since we don't have the need
> > nor resources to port a new version of U-Boot to this product. So please
> > don't suggest that.
> Heh. So what do you want? A solution, but no changes?

I was asking in case someone remembered and could have been an easy fix.
Something like:
Yes, Sylvain If I remember there was a race condition with MakefileX
in Y specially on an SMP machine.
That would have been a perfectly correct answer.

> We will not fix for free any bugs in old versions of the code.

That was absolutely not what I was asking for ... I did not want
anybody of you to fix this for me. I was asking for pointers and it
was a quick question that should have get a quick answer, nothing

> - stick with the obsolete code you have and stop complaining
Again, I was not complaining. Reading the archive of this mailing
list, it seems that you, Wolfgang, tend to often take what people ask
as a complaint and I suggest that you should work on this aspect if
you want people to contribute by their free will.

> - update to the current release and ask again if there should still be
>  problems (which I doubt)
> - fix the problems yourself
> - hire somebody else to fix the problems (and most probably the most
>  efficient way to fix the problem will be an update to the current
>  release)

You may have never been in this situation, but I work for a company
that is big enough to not let me change something that work fine only
for some failure from time to time related to a race condition on a
new automated build server.
I did try to update U-Boot in the past few month but I always end-up
with problem related to variables that changes names (CFG vs CONFIG)
or to bizarre memory config created by my predecessor  that make the
new version unworkable. I am not an electronician and there is still
aspect of embedded development that I don't yet understand. I have an
IT degree and I'm currently learning embedded "in the field" since my
predecessor was laid off. If giving chance to people is not in your
nature, then I'm sorry to have been taking your time.

Make it easy to upgrade and people may then upgrade more often. The
Linux kernel 2.4 is still supported in some way for people that have
very old hardware that work only with it, so why wouldn't it be
legitimate to keep a tested version of U-Boot on a running product
only because it's 2 year old ?

Anyway thx for answering even if the answer was a bit rude...

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