Hi everyone, I'm planning to load the kernel and FS through TFTP and NFS respectively to the new i.MX6ULZ (which has no Ethernet). I have two questions in this regard:
1) I found in ./drivers/usb/eth/asix.c that the AX88772 and AX88172 chips are supported by U-boot. However all listed dongles are rather obsolete and I was no able to find a 1-to-1 match to buy. Do you have a link to buy a supported dongle? I found this one for example: https://www.amazon.de/UGREEN-Netzwerk-Ethernet-kompatibel-unterst%C3%BCtzt/dp/B00MYT481C/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=apple+AX88772&qid=1552409242&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmr0 2) Besides using a UST-to-Ethernet dongle, would you recommend any other approach supported by U-boot to load the kernel and File System from a host machine? Thanks and regards, Moises SensoPart Industriesensorik GmbH Am Wiedenbach 1 | 79695 Wieden Amtsgericht Freiburg HRB 660163 Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Dr. Theodor Wanner [http://www.sensopart.com//images/outlook/si_sensopart.png] <http://www.sensopart.com/> [http://www.sensopart.com//images/outlook/si_linkedin.png] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/sensopart/> [http://www.sensopart.com//images/outlook/si_youtube.png] <https://www.youtube.com/user/SensoPart> [http://www.sensopart.com//images/outlook/si_xing.png] <https://www.xing.com/companies/sensopartindustriesensorikgmbh> Informationen gem. Art. 13 DSGVO f?r unsere Kunden, Partner, Lieferanten finden Sie in unserer Erkl?rung zum Datenschutz unter https://www.sensopart.com/de/datenschutz [http://www.sensopart.com/images/outlook/mi_hmiia.png] Besuchen Sie uns auf der HANNOVER MESSE Industrial Automation 01. - 05.04.2019 | Halle 017, Stand E42/4 > Newsletter abonnieren<http://www.sensopart.com/de/ueber-uns/aktuelles/newsletter-abonnieren> _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list U-Boot@lists.denx.de https://lists.denx.de/listinfo/u-boot