Hi Rick,

On 03.06.19 11:27, Rick Chen wrote:
Hi Stefan and other seniors

I encounter some problems about cfi flash driver.
And hope you can give some comments to resolve it.
Followings are the flash verification status and descriptions :

When I verify cfi flash which it's address base is in cacheable region
(0x88000000) and cache is enabled in system.
The flash detection, write and erase action will be failure somehow.
The failure messages will be as below:

# Detection failure #
Flash: ## Unknown flash on Bank 1 - Size = 0x00000000 = 0 MB
0 Bytes

# Erase fail #
protect off all; erase 0x88000000 0x8bffffff;
Error: start and/or end address not on sector boundary

# Write fail #
RISC-V # cp.b 0x20000000 0x8bf00000 0x1444

But when I disable cache in system, they will all pass the verification.

# Detection pass #
Flash: 64 MiB

# erase pass #
protect off all; erase 0x88000000 0x8bffffff;
Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1

................................ done
Erased 512 sectors

# write pass #
RISC-V # cp.b 0x20000000 0x8bf00000 0x1444
Copy to Flash... done

How can I enable cache and let cfi flash can work fine to get better
performance ?

The CFI driver expects the flash to be located on a uncached area.
Is it possible on your architecture to map some areas uncached
and others cached? That's how it was done in the old PowerPC days,
when parallel flash (via CFI) was still used much more frequently.

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