Exports the serdes configuration as an environment variable for LS gen 3
SoCs, so it can be used in u-boot command line.  It should particularly be
useful for applying Linux DT overlays for the given serdes configuration.
First 4 patches free up arch_misc_init, which is now implemented in
arch/arm/cpu/armv8/fsl-layerscape/cpu.c.  For LS1028A and LX2 the
board_mux_init code is now under misc_init_r.  MISC_INIT_R is now enabled
for the relavant boards.

Changes in v2:
  - s/emtpy/empty/ in description of two of the patches

Changes in v3:
  - Only revert serdes number for SoCs that encode the protocol on each lane
    (LS1028 and LS1088).  For the others (LS2, LX2) leave the number unchanged.
    In previous versions for instance LX2 serdes read 90000000 instead of 9.

This set replaces v2:

Alex Marginean (5):
  board: fsl: lx2160a: free up arch_misc_init
  board: fsl: ls2080a/ls2081a: remove empty arch_misc_init
  board: fsl: ls1088a: remove empty arch_misc_init
  board: fsl: ls1028a: free up arch_misc_init
  arch: armv8: fsl-layerscape: export serdes config to environment

 arch/arm/Kconfig                              | 10 -----
 arch/arm/cpu/armv8/fsl-layerscape/Kconfig     |  1 +
 arch/arm/cpu/armv8/fsl-layerscape/cpu.c       | 14 +++++++
 .../armv8/fsl-layerscape/fsl_lsch3_serdes.c   | 42 +++++++++++++++++++
 board/freescale/ls1028a/ls1028a.c             |  4 +-
 board/freescale/ls1088a/ls1088a.c             |  7 ----
 board/freescale/ls2080a/ls2080a.c             |  7 ----
 board/freescale/ls2080aqds/ls2080aqds.c       |  7 ----
 board/freescale/ls2080ardb/ls2080ardb.c       |  7 ----
 board/freescale/lx2160a/lx2160a.c             |  4 +-
 configs/ls1028aqds_tfa_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig  |  1 +
 configs/ls1028aqds_tfa_defconfig              |  1 +
 configs/lx2160aqds_tfa_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig  |  1 +
 configs/lx2160aqds_tfa_defconfig              |  1 +
 configs/lx2160ardb_tfa_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig  |  1 +
 configs/lx2160ardb_tfa_defconfig              |  1 +
 16 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)


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