On 08.09.2010 09:48, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Reinhard Meyer,
> In message<4c87065a.5050...@emk-elektronik.de>  you wrote:
>> Dear Wolfgang Denk,
>>>> +  /* linebuf as a union causes proper alignment */
>>>> +  union linebuf {
>>>> +          uint32_t ui[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_BYTES/4 + 1];
>>>> +          uint16_t us[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_BYTES/2 + 1];
>>>> +          uint8_t  uc[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_BYTES/1 + 1];
>>> Please replace the magic numbers 4, 2 and 1 by respective sizeof().
>> AND
>>   >  Please let's use the attribute version.
>> Which shall it be now???
> Well, my personal preference would be to use "attribute", but after
> the long discussion it seems the general preference is the version
> above so I will not block this.  I just ask to change the "magic
> numbers" 1, 2 and 4 into sizeof() so it's obvious where these are
> coming from.

OK, I will change that, even add the {} at the for() loop.

I am working with too many (non-gnu) C compilers and have seen too many
ways for "attribute", "#pragma", etc. So I prefer to do things
within the standard "C" language ;)

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