
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 09:40:00PM +1100, Anthony Davies wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am having an issue where it seems after u-boot has booted an EFI it
> doesnt seem to "release" the serial console input.
> I have had this happen using the iPXE efi similar to
> https://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2018-April/324802.html and also when
> using the grub efi.
In grub efi the console works for me but there is no single 'grub' -
each distribution adds a number of patches on top.

Also I would expect that grub and iPXE running as EFI binary would use
console through EFI calls and then u-boot should not 'release' the
console - it should continue to provide the EFI service to grub and iPXE.

There is an option to include a boot script in iPXE. If that is
preserved when built as EFI binary you can test other iPXE features
without typing on the console.



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