On 7/5/21 3:53 PM, Tom Rini wrote:
On Mon, Jul 05, 2021 at 03:47:47PM -0400, Sean Anderson wrote:
On 7/5/21 3:10 PM, Tom Rini wrote:
On Sat, Jul 03, 2021 at 09:33:30PM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
Dear Sean,

In message <8bbdb7a1-5085-a3b7-614f-12ae9aee8...@gmail.com> you wrote:

For a partial list, see

[1] https://github.com/Forty-Bot/lil/commits/master

Whoops, looks like I completely misread what you were asking here. I
don't have an exhaustive list of differences, but here are some similar
things expressed in both languages:

sh                              tcl

foo=bar                         set foo bar
echo $foo                       echo $foo

if [ 1 -gt 2 ]; then            if {1 > 2} {
        echo a                          echo a
else                            } {
        echo b                          echo b
fi                              }

The left side is possible with something like

if itest 1 -gt 2; then # etc.

foo() {                         proc foo {first second} {
        echo $1 $2                      echo $first $second
}                               }

This is not possible. We only have eval (run) as of today. I view adding
functions as one of the most important usability improvements we can

for file in $(ls *.c); do       foreach file [glob *.c] {
        echo $file                      echo $file
done                            }

This is possible only if you already have a list of files. For example,
one could do

part list mmc 0 -bootable parts
for p in $parts; do #etc

but the part command is one of the only ones which produces output in
the correct format. If you want to (e.g.) dynamically construct a list
you will have a much harder time.

fact() {
        if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
                echo 1
                echo $(($1 * $(fact $(($1 - 1)))))

This is technically possible with run and setexpr, but fairly cumbersome
to do.

                                proc fact {n} {
                                        if {$n} {
                                                expr {$n * [fact [expr {$n - 
                                        } {
                                                return 1

Hopefully this gives you a bit of a feel for the basic differences.

Which of these things, from each column, can you do in the context of
U-Boot?  That's important too.

See above.

And for clarity, on the LIL side, with a few things like needing to
bring in the list of files somehow, all of those would work in U-Boot?

Correct. The only unimplemented function is "glob".


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