On 1/11/22 22:14, Tom Rini wrote:
The issues
- How do we handle non-kwbimage platforms?  Especially since the general
   expectation is that mkimage will work for pretty much anything.  And
   not all distros / distro builders (OE) use tools-only_defconfig to
   configure their build of mkimage.

The TOOLS_LIBCRYPTO is default y, I would keep it that way.

If someone really needs to build without openssl, they can turn this to =n if they understand the implications.

- How do we handle the case of kwbimage platforms on hosts that don't
   have openssl-dev?  This I think should be a build time error.  Failing
   to build over missing ssl headers should be a fairly easy to diagnose
   problem, and also should be documented as appropriate under doc/board/

mkimage -T kwbimage would fail if you don't have kwbimage built in (i.e. with TOOLS_LIBCRYPTO=n), so that's already handled.


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