Hi U-boot members. I have ported u-boot to the AT91SAM9G45-EKES board. I
have, however, run into a little problem. The internal boot-ROM in the
SAM9G45 processor only accepts boot-loaders up to 60K and the loader I have
is already 70K. I therefore need an chainloader in between. Is there a
recommended approach for this, something like

1. Use some other smaller bootloader to boot u-boot.
2. Use a tiny version of u-boot to boot the real u-boot.
3. Use pieces u-boot, e.g. by replacing start_armboot

... or should I just use man fantasy? ;-)


Morten Kristiansen

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust,
sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
--Douglas Adams
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