On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 7:14 PM Nicolas Bidron
<nicolas.bid...@nccgroup.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We found a couple of bugs in net/net.s in the IP defragmentation
> function __net_defragment(). Below the writeup for the 2 bugs:
> -----------BUG 1-----------
> # Hole Descriptor Overwrite in U-Boot IP Packet Defragmentation Leads to
> Arbitrary Out of Bounds Write Primitive (CVE-TBD)
> |  |  |
> | --- | --- |
> |Project | U-Boot |
> |Project URL | https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot |
> |Versions affected | all versions up to commit TBD |
> |Systems affected | All systems defining `CONFIG_IP_DEFRAG` |
> |CVE identifier | TBD |
> |Advisory URL | TBD |
> |Risk | Critical 9.6 (CVSS:3.1/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H) |
> |Authors | Nicolas Guigo, Nicolas Bidron |
> ### Summary
> U-boot is a popular boot loader for embedded systems with
> implementations for a large number of architectures and prominent in
> most linux based embedded systems.
> ### Location
> In `u-boot/net/net.c` the `__net_defragment` function line 900 through 1018.
> ### Impact
> The U-Boot implementation of
> [RFC815](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc815) IP DATAGRAM
> REASSEMBLY ALGORITHMS is susceptible to a Hole Descriptor overwrite
> attack which ultimately leads to an arbitrary write primitve.
> ### Description
> In compiled versions of U-Boot that define CONFIG_IP_DEFRAG, a value of
> `ip->ip_len` (IP packet header's Total Length) higher than `IP_HDR_SIZE`
> and strictly lower than `IP_HDR_SIZE+8` will lead to a value for `len`
> comprised between `0` and `7`. This will ultimately result in a
> truncated division by `8` resulting value of `0` forcing the hole
> metadata and fragment to point to the same location. The subsequent
> memcopy will overwrite the hole metadata with the fragment data. Through
> a second fragment, this can be exploited to write to an arbitrary offset
> controlled by that overwritten hole metadata value.
> This bug is only exploitable locally as it requires crafting two packets
> the first of which would most likely be dropped through routing due to
> its unexpectedly low Total Length. However, this bug can potentially be
> exploited to root linux based embedded devices locally.
> ```C
> static struct ip_udp_hdr *__net_defragment(struct ip_udp_hdr *ip, int *lenp)
> {
>      static uchar pkt_buff[IP_PKTSIZE] __aligned(PKTALIGN);
>      static u16 first_hole, total_len;
>      struct hole *payload, *thisfrag, *h, *newh;
>      struct ip_udp_hdr *localip = (struct ip_udp_hdr *)pkt_buff;
>      uchar *indata = (uchar *)ip;
>      int offset8, start, len, done = 0;
>      u16 ip_off = ntohs(ip->ip_off);
>      /* payload starts after IP header, this fragment is in there */
>      payload = (struct hole *)(pkt_buff + IP_HDR_SIZE);
>      offset8 =  (ip_off & IP_OFFS);
>      thisfrag = payload + offset8;
>      start = offset8 * 8;
>      len = ntohs(ip->ip_len) - IP_HDR_SIZE;
> ```
> The last line of the previous excerpt from `u-boot/net/net.c` shows how
> the attacker can control the value of `len` to be strictly lower than
> `8` by issuing a packet with `ip_len` between `21` and `27`
> (`IP_HDR_SIZE` has a value of `20`).
> Also note that `offset8` here is `0` which leads to `thisfrag = payload`.
> ```C
>      } else if (h >= thisfrag) {
>          /* overlaps with initial part of the hole: move this hole */
>          newh = thisfrag + (len / 8);
>          *newh = *h;
>          h = newh;
>          if (h->next_hole)
>              payload[h->next_hole].prev_hole = (h - payload);
>          if (h->prev_hole)
>              payload[h->prev_hole].next_hole = (h - payload);
>          else
>              first_hole = (h - payload);
>      } else {
> ```
> Lower down the same function, execution reaches the above code path.
> Here, `len / 8` evaluates to `0` leading to `newh = thisfrag`. Also note
> that `first_hole` here is `0` since `h` and `payload` point to the same
> location.
> ```C
>      /* finally copy this fragment and possibly return whole packet */
>      memcpy((uchar *)thisfrag, indata + IP_HDR_SIZE, len);
> ```
> Finally, in the above excerpt the `memcpy` overwrites the hole metadata
> since `thisfrag` and `h` both point to the same location. The hole
> metadata is effectively overwritten with arbitrary data from the
> fragmented IP packet data. If `len` was crafted to be `6`, `last_byte`,
> `next_hole`, and `prev_hole` of the `first_hole` can be controlled by
> the attacker.
> Finally the arbitrary offset write occurs through a second fragment that
> only needs to be crafted to write data in the hole pointed to by the
> previously controlled hole metadata (`next_hole`) from the first packet.
> ### Recommendation
> Handle cases where `len` is strictly lower than 8 by preventing the
> overwrite of the hole metadata during the memcpy of the fragment. This
> could be achieved by either:
> * Moving the location where the hole metadata is stored when `len` is
> lower than `8`.
> * Or outright rejecting fragmented IP datagram with a Total Length
> (`ip_len`) lower than 28 bytes which is the minimum valid fragmented IP
> datagram size (as defined as the minimum fragment of 8 octets in the IP
> Specification Document:
> [RFC791](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc791) page 25).
> ----------BUG 2----------
> # Large buffer overflow leads to DoS in U-Boot IP Packet Defragmentation
> Code (CVE-TBD)
> |  |  |
> | --- | --- |
> |Project | U-Boot |
> |Project URL | https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot |
> |Versions affected | all versions up to commit TBD |
> |Systems affected | All systems defining `CONFIG_IP_DEFRAG` |
> |CVE identifier | TBD |
> |Advisory URL | TBD |
> |Risk | High 7.1 (CVSS:3.1/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:H) |
> |Authors | Nicolas Guigo, Nicolas Bidron |
> ### Summary
> U-boot is a popular boot loader for embedded systems with
> implementations for a large number of architectures and prominent in
> most linux based embedded systems.
> ### Location
> `u-boot/net/net.c` lines 915 and 1011.
> ### Impact
> The U-Boot implementation of
> [RFC815](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc815) IP DATAGRAM
> REASSEMBLY ALGORITHMS is susceptible to a buffer overflow through a
> specially crafted fragmented IP Datagram with an invalid Total Length
> which creates Denial of Service conditions.
> ### Description
> In compiled versions of U-Boot that define CONFIG_IP_DEFRAG, a value of
> `ip->ip_len` (IP packet header's Total Length) lower than `IP_HDR_SIZE`
> will lead to a negative value for `len` which will ultimately result in
> a buffer overflow during the subsequent `memcpy` that uses `len` as it's
> `count` parameter.
> This bug is only exploitable on local ethernet as it requires crafting
> an invalid packet to include an unexpected `ip_len` value in the IP UDP
> header that's lower than the minimum accepted Total Length of a packet
> (21 as defined in the IP Specification Document:
> [RFC791](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc791)). Such packet
> would in all likelihood be dropped while being routed to its final
> destination through most routing equipment and as such requires the
> attacker to be in a local position in order to be exploited.
> ```C
> static struct ip_udp_hdr *__net_defragment(struct ip_udp_hdr *ip, int *lenp)
> {
>      static uchar pkt_buff[IP_PKTSIZE] __aligned(PKTALIGN);
>      static u16 first_hole, total_len;
>      struct hole *payload, *thisfrag, *h, *newh;
>      struct ip_udp_hdr *localip = (struct ip_udp_hdr *)pkt_buff;
>      uchar *indata = (uchar *)ip;
>      int offset8, start, len, done = 0;
>      u16 ip_off = ntohs(ip->ip_off);
>      /* payload starts after IP header, this fragment is in there */
>      payload = (struct hole *)(pkt_buff + IP_HDR_SIZE);
>      offset8 =  (ip_off & IP_OFFS);
>      thisfrag = payload + offset8;
>      start = offset8 * 8;
>      len = ntohs(ip->ip_len) - IP_HDR_SIZE;
> ```
> The last line of the previous excerpt from `u-boot/net/net.c` shows
> where the undeflow to a negative `len` value occurs if `ip_len` is set
> to a value strictly lower than 20 (`IP_HDR_SIZE` being 20). Also note
> that in the above excerpt the `pkt_buff` buffer has a size of
> `CONFIG_NET_MAXDEFRAG` which defaults to 16 KB but can range from 1KB to
> 64 KB depending on configurations.
> ```C
>      /* finally copy this fragment and possibly return whole packet */
>      memcpy((uchar *)thisfrag, indata + IP_HDR_SIZE, len);
> ```
> In the above excerpt the `memcpy` overflows the destination by
> attempting to make a copy of nearly 4 gigabytes in a buffer that's
> designed to hold `CONFIG_NET_MAXDEFRAG` bytes at most which leads to a DoS.
> ### Recommendation
> Stop processing of the packet if `ip_len` is lower than 21 (as defined
> by the minimum length of a data carrying datagram in the IP
> Specification Document:
> [RFC791](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc791) page 34).
> Nicolas Bidron, Nicolas Guigo
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for the research.
I have read your description thoroughly, very interesting.
I will implement fixes to the findings.

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