Hello, I'm trying to update some of the u-boot environment variables when I build my linux Image using petalinux for the zynq 7000 (zedboard).
Looking at the configs folder I found the "xilinx_zynq_virt_defconfig". So my first question is the following. Does this file contain the environment variables I see when I boot u-boot? I want to add some environment variables for u-boot. For example, ipaddr = <my_ipaddr> serverip = <tftp_server_ip> etc.... If this file is not the file one would modify could someone point me to the correct place? My ultimate goal is to use petalinux-devtool (which is yocto devtool - https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/devtool-reference.html) to update u-boot so it contains my added environment variables. This tool basically downloads the xilinx u-boot repo and allows changes to be made via the yocto devtool. So that is a little background on why I'm trying to do this modification this way. The recommended approach from my silicon vendor (Xilins) is to use this devtool to "patch" the u-boot source. So long story short, I have the source ready to be patched and built but I don't know exactly what to patch (which source file) so when I boot into u-boot I have the newly added environment variables loaded. Thanks for any help! Robbie Valentine Electrical Engineer RisingEdgeIndustries