Hi Jim,

On Thu, 18 Aug 2022 at 06:54, Jim Schaettle <jim.schaet...@etcconnect.com>
> Hello! I have U-Boot installed on the SD card of my Orange Pi. It works
great, using SRVLOC to get the address of the server, DHCP to get an IP
address, and TFTP to get the application files.
> I also have a rack of 48 Orange Pi devices with the same U-Boot code in
their SD cards. They all have a common power supply. When they boot,
sometimes do_pxe() runs before net_ip is set. (There are many devices
trying to get IP addresses.)
> I have my own copy of the U-Boot code. Is there an environment variable
that I can set, or a code change that I can make? For example:
> static int do_pxe(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const
argv[]) {
>       struct cmd_tbl *cp;
>       if (net_ip.s_addr == 0) {
>               // now what?
>       }
>       ...
> Do you have any ideas? Thank you!

Do you see an error on the console, such as a failure to obtain an IP


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