Thanks, Michal,

Thanks for the feedback.

I do have some questions regarding the following comments,

Second. When I run this

for i in `ls configs/xilinx_*`; do NAME=`basename $i`; echo $NAME; make $NAME;
make savedefconfig; cp defconfig $i; done

I see that locations your added entries are not correct.

Third b4 am -g is showing that base is not upstream version.
Please use next branch as base.

Regarding the location of the entry, I believe you want me to add the entry in 
the alphabetical order?
This way it is the first line of this group of information.


However, I am not sure about the following requirement, please provide 
additional information.

Third b4 am -g is showing that base is not upstream version.
Please use next branch as base.

Also, for top posting, I am still not fully understood.
It seems like I should not include the previous email.
Let me try it here see if it is correct.



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