Hey all,

It's the scheduled day for -rc2, and I've waited until the end of my
day, to give the most time for more PRs to come in. Between -rc1 and now
I've gone over my queue, looked over a few other things and tried to
make sure everything I could take in, was taken in. I'm now going to try
and follow through on what I've said and ask that PRs from here to
release contain fixes. I can see "remove unmaintained code" as a fix,
but not "add missing platform" as a fix. With that, I'll be updating the
next branch shortly and we'll take things from there.

In terms of a changelog, 
git log --merges v2023.04-rc1..v2023.04-rc2
contains what I've pulled but as always, better PR messages and tags
will provide better results here.

Continuing on schedule now and that means the rest of the rcs every
other Monday, and with final release on April 3rd, 2023.  Thanks all!


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