Hi Wolfgang,

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 5:41 AM, Wolfgang Denk <w...@denx.de> wrote:
> Dear Graeme Russ,
> In message <4ea67491.5090...@gmail.com> you wrote:
>> Well, if a command reads from the console (a transfer command for example)
>> and then has a long delay (busy processing loop) before returning back to
>> the command line processor then that command must be fundamentally broken -
> ???? Could you please explain what makes you think so?
> What the command does, and when it performs I/O or when it spens time
> for other tasks is only up to the command.
> If anything is broken then it is a design that puts restrictions on
> such behaviour.
>>  a) Fix the command so it isn't broken
>>  b) Have the command tell the console it has finished with the console
>>     before it starts the busy loop
>>  c) Use UART managed hardware flow control
>>  d) Implement interrupt based serial drivers
>>  e) Prohibit multi-line input
> Prohibit is a bit of a strong word here.  "Not support" is more like
> it.
>> So let's assume for the meantime that there are no 'broken' commands we can
> This is not an assumption.  No implementation must put any
> restrictions on the timing behaviour of any commands.
>> simply issue an XOFF before running each command - That should eliminate
> That's brainded overhead. In 99.999% of all cases it's not needed.
> And it happens at completely the wrong place.
> Serial flow control is something we should deal with in the serial
> driver code.  Nowhere else.

This problem comes down to managing two asynchronous tasks - Command
Processing and Serial Input Processing. Any solution to the problem
is going to involve task switching. The way this is done in U-Boot
currently is:

 - When in the main() loop, U-Boot is effectively running a Command
   Processing Taks (monitor inbound characters, determine when a
   command has been entered) which continually switches over to Serial
   Input Processing Task. When a valid command is detected, U-Boot
   switches to the corresponding Command Processing Task
 - Some 'commands' (file transfers in particular) have their own Serial
   Input Processing Sub-Tasks - The Command Processing Task may run for a
   'significant' amount of time after these Sub-Tasks are finished with
   and no longer processing serial input

When you are dealing with asynchronous tasks, you can task switch by

 1) Using a hardware interrupt (either a tick-timer or interrupt line from
    the serial UART)
 2) Littering the main taks with co-operative interrupt calls
 3) Task switch at clearly defined locations in the code

Option 1 is not supported in U-Boot
Option 2 is used by U-Boot for triggering the watchdog - It's not pretty,
but in the absence of #1, we have no other option
Option 3 is all we are left with...

And U-Boot does actually do #3, but the 'clearly defined locations' are
not obvious, and the switch is done _without_ telling the remote serial
transmitter that U-Boot is busy and will not be able to process any more
inbound characters for the time being.

Note that Serial Input Processing Task does not need to run after we have
sent an XOFF and flushed the remote Tx buffer and local Rx buffer as the
remote end _should_ have stopped sending characters. So in order to
absolutely prevent dropped characters, it is a simple matter of sending an
XOFF and flushing the buffers when we switch out of the Serial Input
Processing Task and into the Command Processing Task. Sounds easy enough,
BUT, the Serial Input Processing Task is a dumb task (it simply reads
single characters from the UART) and has no idea what triggers the switch
to the Command Processing Task so there is no way for it to know when to
sent the XOFF - The Command Processing Task needs to tell the Serial
Input Processing Task

I suggested a solution whereby any task which _knows_ it switches to the
Serial Input Processing Taks (i.e. calls getc()) can:
 - Tell the Serial Input Processing Task 'I will need serial input from
   the remote end, can you please arrange it so that I recieve those
 - Process the incoming stream (it is the responsibility of the task to
   make sure the stream is processed without dropping characters, or
   use a protocol which allows for resending of dropped charaters)
 - Tell the Serial Input Processing Task 'OK, I've recieved all the data
   I need to and I will not be processing any more - You have been warned,
   so if you want don't want to loose input, you'll need to do something
   about it'

I'm at a loss to think of any other solution - Can you?

> I will not accept such a design nor such an implementation.

Then we live with dropped characters


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