On 04/26/2012 07:27 AM, Alexandre Gambier wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a STM chip under linux and U-Boot 1.3.1.
> Here's my problem.
> To boot linux up I load the kernel stored in a NAND device. If a bad 
> block is present in the nand I can't load the kernel.
> To store the kernel I first erase the partition and write the kernel image.
> During the erase stage, U-Boottells that a bad block has been skipped 
> but everything's fine.
>    NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x520000, size 0x400000
>    Skipping bad block at  0x005c0000
>    Erasing at 0x900000 -- 100% complete.
>    OK
> When I write the kernel image, U-Boottells that everything's fine.
>    NAND write: device 0 offset 0x520000, size 0x400000
>     4194304 bytes written: OK
> But when I try to read the kernel, it fails.
>    NAND read: device 0 offset 0x520000, size 0x1a4bff
>     1723391 bytes read: ERROR
> I though U-Boot was able to handle bad block when reading back data..
> Did I forget to initialize something ?
Did you use "nand write.i"  to write the kernel and "nand read.i" to
read the kernel? the ".i" tells u-boot to skip bad blocks...

Peter Barada

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