I stand corrected, going over the files now for the patching, nearly all ZFS related files (headers, and internals) are GPLv3. The GRUB specific files (the files interfacing with the GRUB API) appear to be GPLv2.


Jorgen Lundman wrote:
GRUB 0.96 (2005) which received the initial ZFS GRUB sources was probably
GPLv2. The ZFS sources files contributed are all tagged with GPLv2. I have
left all header license chunks untouched.

Hmm, I know that GRUB is GPLv3+ - Is the ZFS code GPLv3+ or was that
released under a different version?
(I know the ZFS license was discussed before, but I can't recall if
the explicit GPL version was referred to)



Jorgen Lundman       | <lund...@lundman.net>
Unix Administrator   | +81 (0)3 -5456-2687 ext 1017 (work)
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo    | +81 (0)90-5578-8500          (cell)
Japan                | +81 (0)3 -3375-1767          (home)
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