On 07/29/2012 07:43:00 AM, Sabri Altunbas wrote:
> I installed buildroot as my embedded linux environment. For first 
> time
> I can
> build u-boot. But if i change a c-file and try to recompile u-boot. 
> It
> doesn,t work. Buildroot doesn,t notice this changing and does 
> nothing.
> Can anybody give me any hints please

I am not a u-boot expert, but what comes to mind
that would do this is if your clock is wrong
or your system is not stat()-ing properly or some
other non-u-boot related issue that would prevent
make from being able to tell that a file has changed.

It is also possible that there's a bug somewhere in the
u-boot make system, but if you want anyone to pay attention
to that you'll have to provide _lots_ of specifics --
enough to enable somebody else to _exactly_ reproduce
your problem.  Your problem report does not even
come close to useful in that regard.

Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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