Make sure your connection string is using the correct case for the Data
Source as it has to match the uci.config exactly. Also make sure that the
location is a proper account or full path.

Here is a file I have on my desktop called myconnection.udl that will test
the connection:

; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=IBM.UniOLEDB.1;Password=yourpassword;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=youruser;Data Source=vaquer;Location=d:\unidata\demo

If you double click on it you will get a MS Data Link Properties dialog that
you can use to test the connection.

Of course you also would have had to install all of the UniOleDb files when
you installed the development kit. I just don't remember off hand if it is a
separate option.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Alberta Canada

"Just because something isn't broken doesn't mean that you can't fix it"

Stu Pickles

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cesar Riba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 8:08 AM
>Subject: [U2] UniOleDB Configuration
>       My conexion with ODBC are working, but the conexion 
>with UniOLEDB don't can
>working, when I conect from Visual Basic I recived this error:
>             Died in UCI::SQLConnect() with SQLSTATE IM976, 
>Native error:0
>[Informix][SQL Client]UCI connections to non Universe databases  is not
>       My uci.config file in my computer is, and the version 
>of Universe is
>                       [ODBC DATA SOURCES]
>                       <localud>
>                       DBMSTYPE = UNIDATA
>                       network = TCP/IP
>                       service = udserver
>                       host = localhost
>                       <vaquer>
>                       DBMSTYPE = UNIVERSE
>                       HOST =
>                       MAXFETCHBUFF = 20000
>                       MAXFETCHCOLS = 800
>                       NETWORK = TCP/IP
>                       SERVICE = uvserver
>       Can anybody help me.
>Cisar Riba
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