I'm just smilin' big and decided to pass this along in case it brings a
smile to your face too.  Others in the "PICK world" or MV arena have been
chatting on comp.databases.theory for much longer than I have (Wol
introduced me to it).  But I've been on there for some months now,
addressing the question of why we teach relational theory as if it were
"truth" and yet non-1NF databases seem to yield greater flexibility and
productivity when used in businesses.  

I've been asking a lot of questions and have learned quite a bit.  I also
invited others on comp.databases.pick to pipe up on a particular posting and
several folks (most of them likely on this list too - thanks!) piped up.

And then today ...

Someone chimed in about the "MV Fad".  So, there you have it -- you are not
working with an outdated database, using an outdated data model -- now it's
a fad!  There are dollars in fads -- perhaps it's time to update our
resumes.  Smiles.  --dawn

P.S. I would like to see non-relational data models (tree structures &
di-graphs in particular) really become more than "a fad" (the next thing
after strict RELATIONAL) because they work well and should have more
industry resources angled their way.  So, there is more work to do.

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

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