[I'll preface this that my gloating looks like an AD to me, so ... <AD> ]

Sounds like you just need a trigger which invokes CallHTTP or something
external like cURL.

Our new NebulaHTIO (HyperText Input/Output) is a MV BASIC wrapper around
cURL, for people who want to do HTTP/HTTPS from MV BASIC code without having
to get involved with "how" the comms happens underneath.  Our NebulaLaunch
architecture uses this internally, and our NebulaPay payment processing
software (now in Beta) also uses it.  An advantage to us is that the
interface to the code is completely independent of OS or DBMS platform.  It
doesn't rely on the proprietary nature of socket calls from the different MV
environments.  It doesn't use platform-specific functions like
setHTTPdefault or loadSecurityContext, addCertificate, or setCipherSuite (as
if a Pick app developer wants to be a crypto specialist).  It automatically
handles encoding and decoding of URLs, and the code will even intercept a
GET request that really should be a POST, and convert it on the fly unless a
flag is set to prevent that interaction.

This interface hasn't been ported to U2 yet, but will be when we get
requests for payment processing software from U2 VARs.  At some point we may
separately productize it too.  I'm just giving an example of what's possible
outside of the CallHTTP box.

NebulaPay: http://www.nebula-rnd.com/products/financial.htm

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Langel
> Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 2:35 PM
> Subject: [U2] http posting
> We are looking for a way for Unidata to send an HTTP-Post as 
> a record is 
> entered into the database
> Any suggestions?
> Mike
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