>       Do anyone having experience on Universe Database hang. 
> ( note that existing user process still able to run the 
> process and access the database only user which using new 
> session log to the database will hang over there ?
> ) The system file is not full . When i LIST.READU EVERY 
> (using existing
> session) found that no much record locking / The database 
> daemon is still alive during the situation of database hang

Are you saying that users hang as they try to log in?  That is, invoking
the UV shell hangs the user, but not the database itself, right?

Do "ANALYZE.SHM -s"  to list semaphores.  Something may have locked the
login semaphore, which each login process should set briefly, then
release.   Toward the bottom you will see :

  Login           State  Netnode Owner Collisions Retries
  Semaphore #   1     1        0    16          1  859086
If State is "1", not "0", that is your problem.

The equivalent unix command is "[uvhome dir]/bin/smat -s"


As superuser, already at uv command prompt, type "UNLOCK LOGINLOCK
(Look up UNLOCK SEMAPHORE" in User ref manual, the online "HELP UNLOCK"
is incomplete.)
If superuser is not already in UV, you won't be able to login, to run
these commands.
I don't know the best way to unlock the semaphore in that case.  Anyone?


   !!                                               !!
   !!     (e.g. in data center, system console)     !!
   !!                                               !!

One possible cause:

I had the problem where I tried to pipe the output of uv/bin/uvlictool
-report_lic to "gerp" instead of "grep":
   $/dbms/uv/bin/uvlictool report_lic | gerp UVCS
uvlictool apparently sets the login semaphore while it takes its
snapshot.  The subsequent error caused uvlictool to leave it locked.
My solution:  a little script "uvlicr" that does:

   /dbms/uv/bin/uvlictool report_lic > /tmp/uvlicr.txt ; cat

Piping that to "gerp" won't cause havoc.  Same for script "uvlicc" &
"uvlictool clean_lic -a".

  - cds
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