I use a LAST.ID item in the file dictionary to manage ID creation.  The lock
that I place on this record while I increase the ID does not work.

gcolFiles(pstrFileName).RecordID = "LAST.ID"
10: gcolFiles(pstrFileName).Read
    If gcolFiles(pstrFileName).Error = UVE_NOERROR Then
        gcolFiles(pstrFileName).LockRecord EXCLUSIVE_UPDATE
    ElseIf gcolFiles(pstrFileName).Error = UVE_RNF Then
        Set pitemLastID = New UniDynArray
    ElseIf gcolFiles(pstrFileName).Error = UVE_LCK Then
            Sleep 5
            GoTo 10
    End If

If I have multiple instances of my executable running, the lock does not
work and I end up with overwriting records which is real bad. Do read locks
not work with dictionries? Or does anybody have another suggestion?
Martin Scholl
President HIPAAsuite
18910 New Hampshire Ave
Brinklow, MD 20862
301-924-5537  Phone
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