
Our most recent hang (yesterday morning) produced some interesting
stats, and a query.

I've noticed there's a rule-of-thumb correlation between the number of
processes and the total memory used. Using this correlation I can
determine the state of health of the server at any time. When the ratio
between the two gets out of sync I can pretty much guarantee the server
will crash in the near future.

This time, tho', I was looking at the processes reported on Task Manager
at the time the crash happened.

I observed that we were using 825MB of memory (of a total 1GB), and
there were 195 processes. The ratio I use is determined by multiplying
the first 2 digits of the memory by two, and arriving at the approximate
number of processes. In this case we should have had around 166
processes (5MB per user), and not 195.

I then looked at the processes themselves, and found that there were:

*       5 x catalog.exe
*       5 x uvsh.exe
*       4 x uvapi_server processes but only 1 uvapi_slave
*       3 x tl_server processes
*       2 x create.file.exe

While this doesn't prove anything, it prompts some interesting

1.      How do I keep track of processes spawned by universe but not
accessible from within universe?
2.      When users login or out I have control thru files I update. When
a user process spawns another, and the line goes down, I can determine
who was logged in, tandem to that line, and end that process correctly.
What I cannot do is know what was spawned, how many were spawned, and
whether the spawned processes have also died gracefully.
3.      It appears that when a UniObjects call is made, a check is made
whether there is a "uvapi_server" - if not, a process is created along
with the slave, if existing, just the slave is created. At the time of
our crash however there were three servers with only one slave... how
can I "easily" determine that this has occurred and must I then use Task
Manager to end each process...???
4.      Apart from the 4 services UniVerse requires, what other
combinations of process are there (eg for every uvapi procedure what
processes can I expect to find, or what is the relation between
tl_server and tl_service?)

Dennis Bartlett
Analyst Programmer, Hyflo Southern Africa
(w) (011) 386 5867 (c) (082) 871 8230 (e) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is difficult to say who do you the most mischief:
enemies with the worst intentions or
friends with the best.
{Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1831 - 1891}
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