I have this running every 60 minutes for UniData:
totallogins=`/usr/ud60/bin/listuser |head -4| tail -1 |awk '{print $6}'`
wwwlogins=`ps -eaf |grep udapi_slave |grep -v grep | wc -l |sed "s/ //g"`
ssllogins=`ps -eaf |grep udtelnet |grep -v grep |wc -l |sed "s/ //g"` 
dat=`date`                                                                     echo 
"TOT=$totallogins,WWW=$wwwlogins,SSL=$ssllogins $dat" >> /tmp/count_udt    

Original Email
From: Kent Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jun 24, 2004 08:32 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Monitoring a count of users logged on

You'll need a way to save the fourth line of the "listuser" output to the 
end of a log file along with a timestamp.

UNIX or Windows?

At 04:09 PM 6/24/2004, Al DeWitt wrote:
>I need to be able to monitor the number of users logged into the server.  I
>would want this to run periodically (say every 10 minutes) Monday through
>Friday, 08:00 - 15:00.  I would like the output to go to a text file for
>later analysis.  The output could be as simple as Date, Time, # of Users
>logged in.
>Is this something I can do via UniAdmin?  Do I need to write a basic program
>and run it as a phantom?
>Al DeWitt
>Stylmark, Inc.

Kent Walker - Datatel Analyst
Information Technology - U.C. Hastings College of the Law
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