The problem here is if the abort does not return through the On Error
clause, programmers cannot force roll backs on other applications, cannot
report errors to operators and support staff or in anyway gracefully stop
the application.  One of the main reason for the ON ERROR clause was to deal
with fatal issues.  If this is not possible in the current structure of Uv
is there an alternative.

As software developers, our applications are compared to products on Oracle,
DB2, etc.  Does DB2 just abort an application if it hits a corrupted table,
or does it return a message for products like MQ series, two phase commits
and other proceses to allow a gracefull close to an exit?

I would sugggest that this is something worth reviewing in enhancements as
it is becoming a major issue in mission critical applications.


David Jordan   

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leroy Dreyfuss
Sent: Monday, 26 July 2004 4:14 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] [UV] File corruption error, but ON ERROR branch not taken

Sorry, but I have to disagree. File corruption is not something you should
ever ignore, not even for a moment. You have no idea what the problem really
is, and to let it go is a bad thing that will only get worse.
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