>Subject: RE: [U2] many spindles - was Copying data between two UV servers

> It's true that it's getting tougher to justify 4 spindles that happen to
be 36gig each for a database that is only 15gig in total size.  But the
speed difference that is achieved by splitting the data files between 2 sets
of mirrored disks is something that can be easily experienced by simply
running a large month end type of job.  Sales guys are well, their sales
guys.  Take what they say with a couple large grains of salt.

Additional factor & comment:  Disk drive technology is going so fast in
total size / disk, that getting smaller disks available for purchase is
extremely difficult. At some point in time, one would hope that some disk
drive manufacters would wake up to the fact that we don't necessarily need
or want individual disk drives with 160 GB capacity, but 36 GB drives that
cost a lot less, and that are a lot faster, and last a lot longer.

Specific market applications may warrant a 160 GB disk. Most applications,
that is huge over kill. And when that one disk dies, with all that data on
it, and no backup, folks will really be up a creek w/o a  paddle.
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