> FWIW, our newer disk cabinet with faster SCSI controllers and higher disk
>  (but fewer spindles) blows away the older one that has 2-3 times the
spindles. :-)

> but 36 GB drives that cost a lot less, and that are a lot faster, and last
a lot longer

It's actually hard to think that a shop would NOT be mirrored/RAIDed these
days, so the question of a big drive dying becomes moot, and I'd be suprised
if the 36gb drives are actually faster than larger ones ..

Also, besides single drive speed/seek times, etc, I'd like to see some sort
of "standard" benchmark test, like this:

"we tested 12 of these 36gb drives using RAID 0+1 (striping and mirroring),
for a total logical volume size of 216gb (6*36), with a combined seek rate
of X, and were able to perform X transactions per second using (insert your
DB of choice here)"
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