On behalf of Peter Schellenbach at Accusoft Enterprises, I would like to
forward the following comments regarding Accuterm that may pertain to this

1) AccuTerm supports U2 device licensing.
2) Up to 160 columns
3) The paste speed in AccuTerm is deliberately throttled down to
accommodate serial connections. The speed can be adjusted in
Tools->Settings->File Transfer. Change the ASCII interline delay. Zero is
OK for telnet or ssh, except on AIX (on AIX try 25 or 50).

Dave Taylor
Sysmark Information Systems, Inc.
49 Aspen Way
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
800-SYSMARK (800-797-6275)
(O) 310-544-1974
(P) 800-339-1497
(F) 310-377-3550

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:52 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Wintegrate

> Ian:
> Many thanks.  My ignorance is sometimes astonishing.  :-)
> > wIntegrate:
> > 1) Allows for widths greater that 132, In some cases, I use
> > width of 200 characters.
> This doesn't work from Setup > Terminal and the width dropdown box.  It
> shows 80 or 132.  However, I'm guessing I can script this somehow, by
> changing/copying the view132.wit script, as wIntegrate has good scripting
> too.
> AccuTerm, for instance, allows me to configure the "132" column control
> codes as a unique width/depth (e.g. 142,42).  So, when the 132 column
> control code is sent from the server the client changes to a configured
> 142cols by 42rows
> > 2) Open multiple wIntegrate sessions
> All I ever get is the proverbial "Copy of ...." and a new session.  In
> words, If I "Open > New" my current session is terminated and the new
> session opens up in the same instance.  If I "Open > Another" it, of
> opens a new session in another window.
> In AccuTerm, I can open a new session within the same instance like a
> multi-document window.  So I may have 2, 3, 4, or whatever sessions open
> within the same opened instance of AccuTerm.
> > 3) Cut and paste of screen segment (cut & paste @15,10 - 72,20)
> > using right mouse button
> This is cool.  After selecting, I right-clicked and got the "Text to ..."
> menu but copying to the clipboard isn't one of the selections available.
> So, I have to click on "Edit > Copy Special" and hope I didn't previously
> click the printer icon as that changes the copy target from clipboard to
> printer.  In this case I need to "Edit > Copy Special To" and change to
> to the clipboard, then "Edit > Copy Special".  Oh well, I suppose I need
> assign a keystroke-set to invoke the EditCopy and EditPaste scripts (like
> [Ctrl][Insert and [Shift][Insert].  :-)
> > 4) I prefer wIntegrate user interface, but just my option
> You're right.  It doesn't make much difference.
> > 5) Device licensing capabilities and ability to interface with
> > UniObjects to speed process of populating fields, grids.
> AccuTerm has the device licensing capabilities too...have no clue about
> UniObjects though.  Your right, though, Ian.  I'd live with either one if
> had to (I use them both) and each has unique features that users would
> In order to recommend one over the other, the users requirements should be
> analyzed and if a low cost site license is required, AccuTerm will fit the
> bill.
> Thanks for the info.  :-)
> Bill
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Bill H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:18 AM
> > Subject: RE: [U2] Wintegrate
> >
> >
> > > Mark:
> > >
> > > I concur with Ross.  AccuTerm offers _very_ reasonable site licensing;
> > > think it's something like $995 unlimited users.  In fact, so much so
> > > wonder why anyone would use wIntegrate at a large site.
> > >
> > > However, wIntegrate has:
> > >
> > > 1) Query Builder
> > > 2) Cuts and pastes way faster
> > >
> > > and AccuTerm has:
> > >
> > > 1) Significantly better terminal emulation (width beyond 132)
> > > 2) Multiple open sessions within the same instance
> > > 3) Much nicer cut-n-paste capabilities (cut & paste @15,10 - 72,20)
> > > 4) Friendlier interface with user (at least for me)
> > > 5) The best darned site license price available.
> > >
> > > This is, however, a quick overview excluding programming
> > capabilities, but
> > I
> > > believe AccuTerm has tremendous scriting capabilities.
> > >
> > > To check out some of the nifty functionality available check out:
> > >
> > >    http://www.asent.com/technical.html
> > >
> > > Hope this helps.
> > >
> > > Bill
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