>Sorry to keep banging on about this. But are you saying that the changes
>ALL client side? If so which versions of UV e.g. 10.1.0, 9.x will UO.NET
>work with?

UniData and UniVerse would not require server-side changes (check out the
link to the whitepaper I previously posted). We have not tested UO.NET
UniData 5.2 & older releases, nor have we tested it with UniVerse 9.6 &
older releases, thus we will certify them with UO.NET. However, UniData
6.0.x & 6.1.x and UniVerse 10.0.x & 10.1.x have been tested and therefore
are certified.

While the new client CD will ship with any 10.1 or 6.1, the older clients
that shipped with 6.0 and 10.0 still ship (and will continue to ship) with
those releases.


LeRoy F. Dreyfuss
Product Manager
IBM UniVerse and UniData (U2) Extended Relational Databases
IBM DB2 Information Management Software
Tel: 303-672-1254          Fax: 303-294-4832
Mobile: 720-341-4317   Tie-line -770-1254
External email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WWW:  http://www.ibm.com/software/data/u2

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