
Going back a while and different gear but IIRC we had a similar problem that seemed to 
be caused by the autonegotiation on the switches.  I don't recall that we had to slow 
down the ports but we did have to fix them at 100FD rather than rely on the two ends 
sorting it out.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Norman, David (SAAS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 13:17:08 +0930 
Subject: [U2] UV (HP-UX) Jerkiness on terminals

> We have recently upgraded our HP-UX systems, from old boxes that ran at
> 10Mb/s half duplex, to new ones that run at 100Mb/s full duplex. We have
> quite a few terminals, which either run at 10Mb/s half duplex, or talk
> serially to HP terminal servers which run at 10Mb/s half duplex.
> Since the upgrade, we have noticed a lot of jerkiness when displaying full
> screens in UniVerse, or in ED when printing a page to the screen. Typically
> one third of the screen will be displayed, then a pause of almost a second,
> then the remainder of the screen.
> Needless to say, PCs running at 100Mb full duplex now display screens
> faster, and with no jerkiness.
> Apart from throttling the HPs back to 10 MB = duplex, does anyone have any
> ideas how to fix this? Interestingly, I can't repeat this problem at the
> Unix level - only from UniVerse (10.0.16).
> The HPs are connected to switches, which in some cases are the same switch
> as the terminals.

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