Sean W Ferguson wrote:
> Interesting product.  How does it compare to Visage?  From a quick
> glance at the DesignBais website they look very similar in concept and
> design.

I have no experience with Visage yet, outside of presentations at various
Spectrum shows, but from what I've seen it's more "complex" than DesignBais.
I distinguish between features and complexity.  In my mind, DesignBais will
appeal to a wider variety of Pick developers because it does not expose them
to HTML, scripting, components, etc..  It has a lot of features but it's
simple for Pick developers to get at them.

The pricing model is also very attractive for sites that want to get up and
going quickly. $1000US for a developer license and end-user seats are $100
per year for license and support.  This is very attractive for small
end-user sites as well as large ASP service offerings or other WAN
deployment.  Over a period of years you might find Visage competitive in
this area, but these days who knows how many sites or users we're going to
have over a period of years?

DesignBais was also written by a company who has an insurance package
written in SB+, and there are strong similarities between SB+ and
DesignBais.  There are some basic tools in the package for helping with
migration from SB+ (should anyone wish to do so), or integration with it for
_adding_ a web browser interface.  This is a strong selling point that seems
to appeal to a lot of SB+ VARs.

Speaking of which, you don't have to take any promotional commentary from me
- at the Spectrum shows and elsewhere, DesignBais is getting rave commentary
from people who see the presentations.  I haven't seen this sort of
enthusiasm for any product in the Pick industry for a few years now,
including Visage, which is why I'm getting so closely involved with this
product.  As a developer who's familiar with most technologies out there, it
doesn't matter if the software appeals to "my" sense of elegance - what's
important is that the Pick VARs who see this are getting very excited about
it.  It's their/your opinion that counts.  Since my target market is most
VARs, if this is what they/you want then I'm all over it.  If Visage were
getting the same reaction from people I'd be all over that too - and maybe
some day I will be, who knows. 

Now all of that said, just today I sent a note to my friend Ross Ferris at
Stamina, because I want to make sure I'm making a fair comparison and giving
all of the facts when someone asks me this very question.  After I have a
few exchanges with Ross and maybe a demo on the current release, I'll get
back to you with a followup.

I really don't want to get into a shooting match between products.  What's
important is that developers who are interested in GUI development should
begin to modularize their applications, and from there they can port to
almost any GUI technology out there, now or in the future.  The bottom line
is being able to sell more applications, and I'll be happy to help any VAR
who's serious about doing that.  The tactical approach (tools) is far less
important than the overall strategy of making an application more attractive
to help it sell.

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