I found the solution of the problem by myself:

e.g. you have a dynamic hashed file: the data of it resides in a

the name of the file is the name of the subdirectory. BUT... no other files
should exist in this subdirectory. If there exist other files, the
uvadmin-programs don`t recognize the files correctly.

> Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 19:19:36 +0200
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl-Heinz Winter)
> Subject: [U2] uvadmin - accessing files
> I have a problem with uv and the uvadmin programs which can list and
> the files in an account. The files, which are in a subdirectory of an
> (e.g. dynamic hashed files, which have to be in an separately directory)
> not be displayed by the uvadmin programs: file-tool, uvbackup, uvrestore.
> Therefore this files are not accessible!
> In the accounts the files will be listed correctly with LISTF and are
> accessible normally. In the VOC I changed the relative path to the
> path in Field 2, but with no effect in the uvadmin programs.
> UV 10.0.10 + W2k
> What ca I do?
> Thanks in advance
> Karl-Heinz
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