hi wendy ,
just because they don't , doesn't mean they shouldn't.
personally, i don't subscribe to lists in order to be contacted directly.
if that is ever required just munge your address in a posting so a user
could figure it out but which would stop any auto harvesting.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:02 pm
Subject: RE: [U2] spammed

> Gerry wrote:
> > all i can say is , well - no.  you are being very naive on
> > this subject.
> > don't blame this on replies to the list.
> > you post your address yourself everytime you post to this
> > list just like the
> > one i am replying to - take a look at the From: header.
> > this is where the replying mail reader gets its info from,
> > this is also where spammers get their info from
> That's where anyone who wants to talk with you privately would get it,
> as well.  Are you on any lists that hide email addresses from
> subscribers?  I'm not-- none of the Yahoo groups, the Jakarta or Apache
> lists, etc.
> Mail filters, a virus scanner and liberal use of the delete key take
> care of it for me.
> -- 
> Wendy Smoak
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