I didn't mean to start the "editor" discussion, but it was informative.

Anyway, AFAIK UniData supports only Prime-type dictionaries, while
UniVerse supports both Pick and Prime style dictionaries.  If converting
from a Pick system, UniVerse is easier from a dictionary standpoint.

Dick Kryka
Director of Applications
CCCS of Greater Denver, Inc.
Paragon Financial Services

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Beahm
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Comparison Unidata and Universe

I didn't voice my opinion earlier because I know this list has a lot of 
developers with more experience in both than I do, but here goes...

<flameproof suit on>
One of the most critical elements in the MV market has been cross-system

compatibility.  Companies have invested in systems and like what they've

got -- they just want to move to a newer box and/or add new 
capabilities.  UniData and UniVerse, having been originally developed by

different companies, meet this need in different ways.

In UniVerse, one creates an account and decides what "flavor" the 
account will be.  Largely this is a matter of command line and BASIC 
syntax, although it also affects details such as how select lists are 
handled in certain situations, etc.  There are some ways to add elements

from alternate flavors, but things are generally set once you create the


In UniData, the different syntaxes and behaviors are intermingled but 
can be specifically accessed by setting runtime variables (UDT options, 
BASICTYPE, ECLTYPE, using lowercase commands) at the command line or 
within programs.  If you wanted to bring together code from a variety of

systems, UD would probably support that better than UV.

Even so, the syntax is about 80% identical between them.  Each has 
unique methods for file processing, which comes dramatically into play 
when file sizes exceed 2GB.  AFAIK UniData has one method for dealing 
with large files (make them dynamic), while UniVerse has a few (part 
files that break one file into many, 64-bit file addressing, maybe 
something else?)

The UniData debugger is significantly better than UV's, however I 
believe if you use UniDebugger this point becomes less significant. 
Both provide nearly identical support for UniObjects in developing 
VB/VCC/.Net/Java applications.

UD has a GUI tool for defining ODBC schema while UV relies on DICT 
entries and a few other settings.  It seems to me that UV tries to 
figure things out for ODBC on the fly, while UD decides ahead of time 
and applies less forgiving but faster logic.

There are dozens of little things that one offers that the other 
doesn't, things one person loves and another hates.  For instance I wish

UD supported Q-pointers (shortcuts to files in other accounts), and I 
wish UV allowed sending LIST output straight to a file the way UD does. 
  In both cases I made workarounds for these, but it's always nicer to 
have these things out of the box.  Fortunately, features added to one 
are also being added to the other, so IBM is doing a nice job with that.

<flameproof suit off>

I hope that helps clear things up, and I hope I didn't get too much 
wrong. ;^) I expect others will be along shortly with 

David Beahm

Bob Little wrote:

>> Since this thread seems to be going on forever..
> Yes, it does.  But we've strayed considerably from my original
> which was:
> What's the difference between UniVerse and UniData?
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