>From the 5.0.1 readme (yes - it's been around for a number of years)
I've used 'kill -HUP smm.pid' regularly on Unix. I can't say that I've used
'stopsmm -r' or tried it on Windows...
You don't want to 'fat finger' a kill -9 smm.pid, though...  :-)

Issue 7795 - Problem description

UniData -- Prior to this release, when any changes were made for licensing
purposes through the confprod utility, UniData had to be stopped and
started again for those changes to take effect. Beginning at this release
you no longer have to stop and start UniData.

On UniData for UNIX, after changing the licensing information and obtaining
an authorization code, execute either of the following commands from the

        kill -HUP smm_pid_ID
             stopsmm -r

On UniData for Windows NT, you use the stopsmm -r command.
Note: Certain functions require that UniData be stopped, such as executing
cntl_install, changing a file from recoverable to nonrecoverable, changing
the udtconfig file, etc.

Wally Terhune
Manager - U2 Advanced Technical Services
IBM DB2 Information Management Software
Tel: 303.294.4866             Fax: 303.294.4832

www.ibm.com/software/data/u2/support - Open, Query, Update, Search -

             Andy Pflueger
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             il.com>                                                    To
             Sent by:                  U2 User Group Mailing List
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             stserver.u2ug.org                                          cc

             10/13/2004 01:24          [U2] [UD] License count update

             Please respond to

Howdy folks,

Just a question regarding updating license counts "on the fly" without
physically issuing the 'stopud' and 'startud' command following the
udtconfig file update for NUSERS parameter. I hear there's a kill
command such as the following to essentially restart "smm" to re-read
the updated configuration/license information without having users

Hardware         : Sun Station
Operating system : Solaris
O.S. version     : 2.7
UniData version  : 6.0.3

$ kill -HUP <fill in PID # of SMM process here>

How will this affect a system which has users connected and their
existing udt processes; or will it? Just want to check with y'all out
there and see if anyone's done this on the fly and how it works.

Andy Pflueger
Ivy Hill Corporation
Louisville, KY
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