Type  1: Non Hashed - Directory - Does not support long names (Greater than
14 characters)
Type  2: Hashed     - Keys numeric & most unique on right
Type  3: Hashed     - Keys numeric with seperators & most unique on right
Type  4: Hashed     - Keys alphanumeric & most unique on right
Type  5: Hashed     - Keys consist of full range of ASCII characters & most
unique on right
Type  6: Hashed     - Keys numeric & most unique on left
Type  7: Hashed     - Keys numeric with seperators & most unique on left
Type  8: Hashed     - Keys alphanumeric & most unique on right
Type  9: Hashed     - Keys consist of full range of ASCII characters & most
unique on left
Type 10: Hashed     - Keys numeric & most unique on center
Type 11: Hashed     - Keys numeric with seperators & most unique on center
Type 12: Hashed     - Keys alphanumeric & most unique on center
Type 13: Hashed     - Keys consist of full range of ASCII characters & most
unique on center
Type 14: Hashed     - Keys numeric & use entire key for hashing
Type 15: Hashed     - Keys numeric with seperators & use entire key for
Type 16: Hashed     - Keys alphanumeric & use entire key for hashing
Type 17: Hashed     - Keys consist of full range of ASCII characters & use
entire key for hashing
Type 18: Hashed     - Entire keys are in arbitrary form.
Type 19: Non Hashed - Directory - Does support long names
Type 25: B-Tree Files (Used for indexing in UniVerse)
Type 27: Distributed Files
Type 30: Dynamic Hashed Files


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Wolverton
Sent: 15 October 2004 01:28
Subject: RE: [U2] UniVerse File Types

This is really good stuff....

But **where** could I have found this documented, being the self-reliant
kind of guy I am...

I just need the Type 2 to 18 definitions now!
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