I posted the following on the U2Ug.org "Enhancements Forum":
[UV] Let UniAdmin's Performance Monitor capture to a file
(UniData may already have this feature?)

Rather than just catch realtime data on a screen, I'd like to be able to
capture it to a file (preferably a UV hashed file).

- benchmark performance by capturing data while system is stable,
- capture data over extended time period
- schedule jobs to run periodically (cron on Unix)
- be able to review data off-line
- show results to others such as UV support.
- compare stats to see how a system performs under various conditions
or changes.

If it were done 'right' (i.e., how I'd do it) it would be implemented on
the server so data could be captured to a Universe hashed file; or maybe
on the client running UniAdmin, capturing as something easily
manipulated by a spreadsheet.

Chuck Stevenson
UV 10.0.x on HPUX 11i
Is it poor manners to post it here, too?  I made this same request to
IBM at the conference last month during one of the sessions.
I think the U2UG is going to be an excellent forum for petitioning IBM,
especially if other people reply, seconding the motion. If no one
replies, that tells IBM something, too.
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