We've just upgraded one of our HPUX machines and have started receiving
an intermittent unix error, I assume this is caused by an incorrectly
set tunable somewhere.

We have a number of programs the use !SET.PTR to define print unit 1 (or
even 0) with mode 3 (print to &HOLD&) with a banner.

The programs then make an active select list and EXECUTEs a LIST
statement with the LPTR 1 keyword specified.

We then see (what I assume is a unix error) "&HOLD&/xxxx: Too many open
files" (where xxxx is the banner name) - this message does NOT appear in
any active COMO.

Then another message: "Cannot open file &HOLD&." is displayed (this one
does end up in the COMO).

Other programs that use !SET.PTR (to the &HOLD& file) but then perform
their own "PRINT ON 1" statements all worked correctly.

We've had no problems with any of our other files (all of which are
dynamic), although we did get a few problems starting phantoms, when we
received the message "Cannot open file &PH&".

Any ideas as too which tunable may be responsible for this problem?

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