Using a PC DeskTop FTP program, I was able to copy all of the files from the
old server to my pc and then from my pc to the new server.

I setup an account on the new server.  I need help with correlating the new
account with the existing data and VOC.

If there is a way to copy over users and printers, that would help.

Thanks to those who responded to the first post.   

The command-prompt FTP functionality appears to be unable to copy a
directory tree, rather, only one folder at a time.  

It is not clear to me if it is makes sense to "mount" a directory from
another box.  

I am not sure if tar is usable since I doubt that the tape drive on the old
box can be connected to the new box.


A new [refurbished] HP-Ux RX-2600 Itanium server arrived yesterday.  
I installed UV on this new box and now want to copy most everything from old
to new.

What is the best way to do this?   The tech manual "Administering UniVerse"
appears to mainly focus on inter-platform transfers.  Suggestions would be

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