Oh, good grief! I am sorry, Allen. I overlooked that you are talking UniData. My information is applicable only to UniVerse. Duh.

We now have fruit salad.




W. Clifton Oliver, CCP
Tel: +1 619 460 5678    Web: www.oliver.com

Allen E. Elwood wrote:
Hi Cliff,

The issue that evolved from the original question was which method of
accessing all attributes was the fastest.

If I just setup a loop like the one below, I get only 1833 loops per second.
Until yesterday, I was unaware of the REMOVE statement and it's ability to
quickly access attr's, and had always used the DEL method when outputting
internal print buffers to do the "Page x of xx pages" title deal which came
in faster than simply accessing the next value.

So I setup the tests to see what was the quickest way to access all the
attributes in a record, and REMOVE won.

In that one method really does delete the attr to bring the next to the top,
yes that would technically be apples and oranges, but in that which method
was the most efficient in accessing the next attr, it would be Apples and
Apples.  Or would that be Oranges and Oranges?  Hmm....suddenly I feel like
having fruit....only question now, is should I have an apple or an orange?

* Release * CUSTOM * SPEEDTEST - does what it sounds like Version="~Ver=~7.0.3~7775383~" OPEN '', 'CM' TO CM ELSE OPEN.ERROR<-1> = 'CM' PRINT 'How long in seconds? ':;INPUT HL START = TIME() ENDING = START + HL COUNTER = 0 LOOP READ CM.REC FROM CM, '9999' ELSE STOP A.COUNT = DCOUNT(CM.REC,@AM) FOR K = 1 TO A.COUNT A.VALUE = CM.REC<K> NEXT K COUNTER += 1 IF TIME() GE ENDING THEN EXIT REPEAT PRINT COUNTER:' total loops' PRINT COUNTER/HL:' per second' STOP
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