> Ok, so I'm a geek.  What can I say?  :)

And for all of the rest of the geeks out there, try this links out:


There was another link out there about making the smalles possible LINUX
executable - comparing the size of one generated with a C-compiler vs an
NASM compiler vs building it by hand to be the smallest, but I can't find it

> 230 simultaneous serial users plus 22 serial printers on a 75Mhz 486.

> Funny how earlier the effort was borne on the programmer to be as
> as he could to make up for the deficiencies of the platform. Now-a-days,
> processors are so infinitely fast that they clearly cover up less
> programming.

> Therefore, it's easy to forget how far we've come.

You know, I was about to cheer your efficiency argument - since I *still*
try to be as efficient as possible regardless of the platform that I'm on,
but then you went and shot yourself in the foot ;)

The server I'm working on is IMHO *very* fast, but we run on SB+, which
makes it extremely easy to do tons of extra reads than are actually
necessary .. I've also got a few programmers who don't quite understand the
downside and performance implications of large DYNAMIC arrays ..

Ce la vie ..
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