I have done something similar for a client, using a simple VB program. The documents are written to a nominated shared directory on the server, along with a print request written to a data file. The VB program runs constantly on a PC, opens a UniObjects connection and reads the print requests periodically. The program also opens Word as an automation source (include a reference to Word.Application for ease) and instructs it to load and print each document requested. As I recall it was fairly painless, but I don't have access to the source now. It would also depend on the volumes you need to process: controlling Word can be pretty slow though we were doing some other stuff at the same time (reformatting, merging etc) for that exercise.
Brian -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Parker Sent: 08 November 2004 22:04 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [U2] Printing an RTF file from Universe We are trying to use a Word document as a template. As such, we create the document with "tags" (eg. XXCUSTNAMEXX ) and then save the document as an RTF. In Universe, we read in this RTF file, change the tags to the data and write this new file out as an RTF. This new file can be opened with Word and printed, however, we would like to be able to print it automatically from within a Universe program. Is there a way to this? When we use PRINTER ON and PRINT, the RTF info(eg. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1....) is printed out. I receive the daily digest, so I may not answer any follow up questions right away. Thanks, Brian Parker WISL while you work! Voice:519-884-2604 FAX: 519-884-0317 Mail: Waterloo Information Systems Limited 33 Dupont Street East Waterloo ON N2J 2G8 ------- u2-users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ ------- u2-users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/