At 06:40 PM 11/18/2004, you wrote:

If person A has the file open and person B does a list, is the updated information writen when person B ends her list? Or when person A finally closes the file? In other words, is the header information viewable, even though someone somewhere is still holding the file open?

The information is updated in the file header whenever ANY close operation is done (well, this does assume you have statistics collection ON!). Thus, if A and B both have the file open having started at the same time, but A finishes first, so A locks the file and adds its totals to the existing totals in the file header, then unlocks it, then when B completes its use of the file, B gets the lock on the file and then adds ITS totals to the existing totals. Remember, the file is a concurrent use file such that many processes can have the file open and read from it, but only a SINGLE process can write to any particular portion (group) of the file at a time, which includes the header (group 0).

Make sense?
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