>>>last <login-id>
>and returned
>wtmp begins      Nov 22 14:03

If you know for certain that the user is logged in, then I'm pretty sure
that this means that you do not have user accounting turned on.  Look at the
wtmp file, "ls -l /var/adm/wtmp" - if this file is either not present, zero
size or out of date, then you will not be able to get the information you
are looking for.

>>>who -m | awk '{ print $6 }'    
>did not return anything.

Could be a couple of things.  Try "who -m" and see what the output is.
Either the client hostname or client ip address should be in there

>Also, is there a way of know what transaction (UniData) was done by a
>user on a particular day?

Not that I know of.  Unidata might keep this information, if you are using
rfs, but I don't know.  Even in an Oracle environment, I don't think this
information is available, unless you keep your rollback logs indefinitely.
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