One of my clients had MCD and is now on UD 5.2 with Pick (PQN) flavor. All
of their dict items were converted to the 5 line UD versions with the
original version on line 10.

I could not find that utility. I have a MCD client that may acquire a used
UD system and wondered where such a utility could be found.

Thanks in advance.
Mark Johnson.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alfke, Colin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Greetings

> much snippage....
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Norman Morgan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >I am brand new to UniData after using Pick/D3
> >with SB+ for 9 years
> >Over the last 9 years, I have accumulated about 1000 Basic
> >programs that I must now convert to UD.  I have looked for a
> >concise list of differences between D3 Basic and UD Basic,
> >but can't find one. I have run
> >into a few snags so far, things that just won't compile, but I am also
> >concerned about hidden gotchas ... subtle differences in
> >behavior where the
> >syntax appears to be compatible.  Can anyone point me toward
> >such a list?
> I thought there was a conversion utility, but it's been quite a while
> since we went from Pick to UniData (also on SB+). But I can't find it
> perhaps I was thinking of the NTMigrate utilities.
> >
> >Among the things I have encountered so far:
> >
> >1. No FOLD function in UniBasic
> Also, no assigned() function. You can use UNASSIGNED() - but not
> against a file variable (use fileinfo).
> >2. variable = @COMMAND instead of TCLREAD variable
> >3. Reading/writing directly to Unix files: no
> >etc.
> You can use openseq, readseq, writeseq and closeseq. Also osopen, osbread,
> osbwrite, etc. These can use the full path or you can create a DIR type
> file which creates a directory at the OS level with each item a file in
> that directory.
> >4. No SP-ASSIGN ? syntax to query the current printer assignment
> see getptr (basic) and setptr (TCL)
> >5. No ACCESS(10) to use in routines called from a
> >dictionary item to get the
> >current item ID.
> @ID
> No access variables at all. Most are in the '@' variables though.
> Dictionaries are quite different. SB+ will create them for you - but
> they are certainly not "elegant."
> >6. More reserved words than D3
> >
> >I am sure there is a lot more that I haven't stumbled across yet.
> >
> DATA was the only one that really bit me. The queue is kept longer in
> UniData than it was in Pick.
> Since you are using SB+ it sets up the environment as "Pick-like" so most
> things will feel very familiar. You need to be careful if you are not
> working in an SB+ account as it will use the UniData style command parser
> (and compiler) so some basic commands and many TCL commands work
> These are pretty much identified in the manuals - but on a command by
> basis. If you do want to use UniData style syntax on TCL commands you can
> enter the command in lower case (at least the first letter). This can be
> handy.
> Here are some of my 'cheat-sheets':
> GET-LIST aa (U   ->  GET.LIST aa; sELECT filename SAVING UNIQUE @ID
> The AE editor kicks ED's butt. See especially, EV, IV, RV, DV, CM.
> I like the debugger much better.
> The way programs are catalogued is quite different. You can actually
> programs that people are running without throwing them to the debugger.
> Although Pick seems much better at "Access" type reports - especially when
> Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask if you get stuck on something.
> Colin Alfke
> Calgary
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