
Their web interface is driven built on redback & I have zero experience with or knowledge of it. I would have thought os(unix) level user authentication would have been handled within redback as part of its basic design/functionality. True or not true ?
Your problem is a security issue. For a process to be able to access the password database on unix it needs root permissions. Because your redback processes have already authenticated and run with lower permissions than root, they cannot access this database.

To authenticate against the HPUX password database I think you will either need to create a setuid executable owned by root (which takes the permissions of the file owner when run) and then use Ken's suggestion for accessing the password database; or use a separate system such as LDAP which allows secure access to authentication data.

In general, the use of setuid executables to do this sort of job is discouraged as they tend to bypass operating system rules about how many times and how often a user can attempt to authenticate before they are locked our or delayed.

I don't think Redback will be able to access the HPUX database directly except via something like LDAP (although you could try installing ssh on HPUX and getting an SSH library and having your redback process do an ssh authentication separtely from their direct access to UV).


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