I pretty sure that the first SELECT form is fastest, *when* you intend to
process the entire file.  It's only when you will want instant access, and
may want to bail out on a condition that the BASIC SELECT is used.  So that
you can create LIST type access statements, where you can hit Q to end and
you don't want to wait.

Otherwise the first form of SELECT would not exist.  Who would want to wait
for the entire file to be selected AND to be slower ?!!?  Since the first
select does all the gathering all at once, the system starts slapping the
file into memory, and by the time you process it, it's all in the memory.
The BASIC SELECT grabs a group and processes it, and grabs another and so
the entire file never gets put into main memory until the O/S figures out
you're going to process the whole file.

I remember running multiple tests back in the late 80's and always found the
SELECT to select the entire file, was always fastest even after multiple
passes on the same file using different methods so that the file catching
wasn't an issue in the difference in processing.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Derek Falkner
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 14:28
Subject: RE: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT


I am on thin ice here but, so far, nobody has stepped in with a better
explanation, so I'll give it a try.

Your first SELECT creates a list of items called the active select list. It
takes a little while to construct as it reads the entire file in the
process. The select list can then be saved, stored in a list variable or
used in a READNEXT statement. Once the list is created it is static - no
changes will be made to reflect new items as they are added to the file.

The BASIC SELECT works differently I believe. It simply sets a pointer to
the beginning of the first item in the first group in the file and this
pointer is advanced after each READNEXT statement. The select statement
doesn't have to read the whole file, so it is much faster than your first
type of SELECT. It also implies that any new items added to groups which are
ahead of the current pointer position will eventually be accessed by a
READNEXT statement when the pointer has been advanced far enough.

You can see there is no difference between the two types of SELECT provided
the file is not being updated. That is what you observed. But try this:

            CRT "Basic SELECT:"
            SELECT FILEVAR
         CASE RUNTYPE = 'TCL'
            CRT "TCL SELECT:"
      END CASE
      WRITE '%%%%%' ON FILEVAR, 'NON-EXIST-ID'  ;* Item added AFTER the
      CNT = 0                                   ;* Now list the file using
the select list
         CNT += 1
         CRT CNT'R#5  ':ID

First count the TEST file, then RUN BP TEST.PGM TCL. You will notice the
added item is not included in the list. If you remove the NON-EXIST-ID item
and repeat the test but this time RUN BP TEST.PGM BASIC you will see that
the new item IS included in the list. That is the difference!

One last comment: don't believe all you read in the Pr1me INFO/Basic manual.
They had it wrong too!

Derek Falkner
Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 3:11 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT

<quote who="Dean Fox">
> Your understanding of the BASIC select is correct. It starts in group
> one and works it's way down.  In my early years of PICK programming I
> learned this the hard way.  As this user hasn't yet seen adverse
> effects is luck vs. design.

Okay, Bait taken. I just ran 2 programs. One that does:

execute 'SELECT FILENAME' capturing NOTHIN

and then one that does:

select FILEVAR

I had them print CNT and KEY as they looped through. Both lists were
identical in order. Am I missing something?


> Probably because of the a change to the least significant portion of
> the ID (hash wise) and the number of groups vs. items, they're all
> hashing to the same group after the ID change.
> In a similar test where the new ID would hash to a forward group, in
> the code provided, it would be deleted. Been there, done that and now
> know better.
> -[d]-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Falkner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 11:16 AM
> Subject: RE: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT
> Karl,
> I cannot speak to the issue of speed but I am concerned about the
> safety of either process; I believe you may end up with missing
> employees!
> I believe the BASIC SELECT sets a pointer at the start of group 1 and
> steps it through each item in that group before moving on to group 2.
> What could happen is that the record with the new 6 digit key is
> written to a later group and the item with the old key is deleted.
> Later, the SELECT would pick
> up the new employee and, even though it already has a 6-digit key, would
> write it back to the file and then immediately delete it!
> I would prefer to see a TCL-style SELECT be performed instead of the
> will definitely not select any of the newly-created items, though it
> would also fail if any employees on file already had 6-digit keys.
> Alternatively, you could check the new item key differs from the
> original item key before deleting an item.
> E.g.     write REC on CF,NK
>          if K # NK then
>             delete CF,K
>          end
> If my understanding of the BASIC SELECT is wrong I would be happy if
> someone on this list could enlighten me.
> Oh, and I must add that I much prefer the LOOP ... REPEAT syntax too!
> I wouldn't imagine there would be much difference in speed and I find
> it easier to write/debug.
> Thanks for the interesting question!
> Derek Falkner
> Kingston, Ontario, Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 10:33 AM
> Subject: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT
> I've seen 2 ways to read a client key, change the length to 6 digits,
> then write it back out, delete the old one and move on:
> EXAMPLE 1 of 2:
> !(FIXEMPNO) - Fix the employee number length
>       open '','CUSTEMP' to CF else stopm 'Not'
>       select CF
> 10:   readnext K else stop
>       read REC from CF,K then
>          NK = fmt(K,"R%6")
>          write REC on CF,NK
>          delete CF,K
>       end
>       go 10
>    end
> EXAMPLE 2 of 2:
> !(FIXEMPNO) - Fix the employee number length
>       DONE = 0
>       open '','CUSTEMP' to CF else stopm 'Not'
>       select CF
>       loop
>          readnext K else DONE = 1
>       read REC from CF,K then
>          NK = fmt(K,"R%6")
>          write REC on CF,NK
>          delete CF,K
>       end
>       repeat
>    end
> My intent is not to start a religious discussion about GO or GOTOs
> because I see that method all over the place and regardless of why,
> who or whatever, my question is, which is faster. (I prefer using
> loop..repeat syntax, FWIW).
> --
> Karl L. Pearson
> Director of IT,
> ATS Industrial Supply
> Direct: 801-978-4429
> Toll-free: 800-789-9300 1,29
> Fax: 801-972-3888
> http://www.atsindustrial.com
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Karl L. Pearson
Director of IT,
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Direct: 801-978-4429
Toll-free: 800-789-9300 1,29
Fax: 801-972-3888
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